A place where people are transformed through relationship with God

LJBC is primarily a place where people can develop and deepen their relationship with God.

Our desire is to see people set free from the complications of life, trauma, and the past. We believe that this freedom comes from a genuine, personal relationship with God, expressed as faith that is possible because of Jesus.

“Jesus says, ‘I have come as a light to shine in this dark world, so that all who put their trust in me will no longer remain in the dark’.”

John 12:46

Come & grow

Small Groups

Join and learn from a group of people that regularly meet to care for each other, explore the Bible, and enjoy relationships. LJBC has mixed adult groups, women’s and men’s groups, and groups for teenagers.

Join a Small Group


LJ Women run events such as Bible studies, engaging speakers, dinners, outreach, and more, throughout the year to help women connect and deepen their understanding of God. Become firmly rooted in His love in an environment securely surrounded by faithful fellowship.

Children’s Ministry

Running during our 9:30am service, Children’s Ministry welcomes children of different ages to participate in activities and Biblical learning. Programs are delivered at an age-appropriate level by fun, caring, and engaging Leaders.

You’re Invited

To get involved in any of our Transforming ministries, contact us. We love seeing new faces and will get back to you as soon as possible.

Contact Us